Man pages for RFgroove
Importance Measure and Selection for Groups of Variables with Random Forests

fpcaFunctional Principal Component Analysis
hardThresholdingWavelets hard-thresholding rule for independents processes
plot.fRFEPlot function for object of class fRFE
plot.importancePlot function for object of class importance
print.fRFEPrint function for object of class fRFE
projectWaveletProjection in a wavelet basis
RFgroove-packageImportance Measure and Selection for Groups of Variables with...
selectFunctionalGrouped variable selection procedure for functional data
selectGroupGrouped variable selection procedure
selectLevelWavelet levels selection procedure
summary.fRFESummary function for object of class fRFE
toyClassifA toy data of classification
toyRegA toy data of regression
toyRegFDA functional dataset for regression
varImpGroupA grouped variable importance with Random Forests
RFgroove documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:31 a.m.