The R Formatter formats R source code. It is very much based on formatR, but tries to improve it by heuristics. For example, spaces can be forced around the division operator /
The following features are added to formatR.
In R, run
> install.packages("RFormatter")
> RFormatter::format_R_source_code("if (b) { f() }")
> RFormatter::format_R_source_code("p = 2", list(arrow = TRUE))
> RFormatter::format_R_source_code("(k/n)^x", spaced_operators = c("/"))
Get more help with
> ?RFormatter::format_R_source_code
To format a source file source.R
via a command-line interface, do the following. Warning: the original file is overwritten, so better back it up first! Use this at your own risk. Run
$ Rscript [utility] source.R
where [utility]
is the path given by
> system.file("exec", "utility.R", package = "RFormatter")
Have a look at Yihui Xie’s formatR.
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.