dot-updateParConstraints: Updates the parameter constraints for on object of class...

.updateParConstraintsR Documentation

Updates the parameter constraints for on object of class NAWRUmodel or TFPmodel.


Updates the parameter constraints for on object of class NAWRUmodel or TFPmodel.


.updateParConstraints(model, parRestr)



A model of class NAWRUmodel or TFPmodel.


A list of matrices containing the parameter restrictions for the cycle, trend, and the Phillip's curve. Each matrix contains the lower and upper bound of the involved parameters. NA implies that no restriction is present. Autoregressive parameters are automatically restricted to the stationary region unless box constraints are specified. By default, parRestr is initialized by the function initializeRestr(model). Only used if method = "MLE".


The same model with updated list item loc.

RGAP documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:02 p.m.