Man pages for RGISTools
Handling Multiplatform Satellite Images

ex.dem.navarreA Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the region of Navarre...
ex.navarreA polygon with the border of Navarre (Spain)
ex.ndvi.navarreA time series of NDVI of Navarre (Spain)
genCompositionsCreate image compositions from a time series of satellite...
genFilterStackSubset a RasterStack given a range of dates
genGetDatesReturn the capturing date from the name of a raster layer
genMosaicListMosaic a list of raster images
genPlotGISPlot satellite images with a GIS format
genSaveTSRDataSaves a time series of images as an RData
genSmoothingCovIMAFill data gaps and smooth outliers in a time series of...
genSmoothingIMAFill data gaps and smooth outliers in a time series of...
getRGISToolsOptGet the default value of an RGISTools option
ls7FolderToVarCompute a remote sensing index from a time series of...
ls7LoadMetadataLoad or update the Landsat-7 metadata file
ls7SearchSearch Landsat-7 images
ls8FolderToVarCompute a remote sensing index from a time series of...
ls8LoadMetadataLoad or update the Landsat-8 metadata file
ls8SearchSearch Landsat-8 images
lsCloudMaskCreate cloud masks for Landsat images
lsDownloadDownload Landsat-7 or Landsat-8 images from a search list
lsDownSearchSearch and download Landsat-7 or Landsat-8 images
lsEspaDownloadOrdersDownloads the images that have been pre-processed by ESPA
lsEspaGetOrderImagesGets a first response from ESPA regarding a recent request
lsEspaOrderImagesMake a request to ESPA for pre-processing Landsat images
lsEspaUpdateOrdersUpdates the status of a request made to ESPA
lsGetDatesReturn the capturing dates of Landsat-7 or Landsat-8 images
lsGetPathRowReturn the pathrow of a tile of Landsat-7 or Landsat-8 images
lsMosaicMosaic a set of Landsat-7 or Landsat-8 images
lsPreviewPreview Landsat-7 or Landsat-8 satellite images
lsRemoveMetadataRemove the Landsat-7 or Lansat-8 metadata from the...
lsSearchSearch Landsat 7-8 images using EarthExplorer API
lsUpdateEEDataSetsUpdate EarthExplorer dataset names
modCloudMaskCreate cloud masks for MODIS images
modDownloadDownload MODIS images from a search list
modDownSearchSearch and download MODIS images
modExtractHDFConvert an HDF file into a set of GTiff files
modFolderToVarCompute a remote sensing index from a time series of MODIS...
modGetDatesReturn the capturing dates of MODIS images
modGetPathRowReturn the pathrow of a tile of MODIS images
modMosaicMosaic a set of MODIS images
modPreviewPreview MODIS satellite images
modSearchSearch MODIS images
RGISTools-package'RGISTools': Handling Multiplatform Satellite Images
senCloudMaskCreate cloud masks for Sentinel-2 images
senDownloadDownload Sentinel images from a search list
senDownSearchSearch and download Sentinel images
senFolderToVarCompute a remote sensing index from a time series of...
senGetDatesReturn the capturing dates of Sentinel-2 images
senGetOrbitReturn the relative orbit of the Sentinel-2 satellite
senGetTileReturn the pathrow of a tile from Sentinel-2 images
senMosaicMosaic a set of Sentinel-2 images
senPreviewPreview Sentinel-2 satellite images
senSearchSearch Sentinel images
setRGISToolsOptChange the default value of an RGISTools option
showRGISToolsOptPrint the name of all RGISTools configuration variables
varEVICalculate the enhanced vegetation index (EVI)
varMSAVI2Calculate the modified soil-adjusted vegetation index...
varNBRCalculate the normalized burn ratio (NBR)
varNBR2Calculate the normalized burn ratio 2 (NBR2)
varNDMICalculate the normalized difference moisture (water) index...
varNDVICalculate the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
varNDWICalculates the normalized difference water index (NDWI)
varRGBGenerate an RGB image from 3 spectral bands
varSAVICalculates the soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI)
RGISTools documentation built on July 2, 2020, 3:58 a.m.