Man pages for RISCA
Causal Inference and Prediction in Cohort-Based Analyses

aucArea Under ROC Curve From Sensitivities And Specificities.
dataCSLCSL Liver Chirrosis Data.
dataDIVAT1A First Sample From The DIVAT Data Bank.
dataDIVAT2A Second Sample From the DIVAT Data Bank.
dataDIVAT3A Third Sample From the DIVAT Data Bank.
dataDIVAT4A Fourth Sample From the DIVAT Data Bank.
dataDIVAT5The Aggregated Kidney Graft Survival Stratified By The 1-year...
dataFTRData for First Kidney Transplant Recipients.
dataHepatologyThe Data Extracted From The Meta-Analysis By Cabibbo et al....
dataKi67The Aggregated Data Published By de Azambuja et al. (2007).
dataKTFSA Sixth Sample Of The DIVAT Cohort.
dataOFSEPA Simulated Sample From the OFSEP Cohort.
dataSTRData for Second Kidney Transplant Recipients.
expect.utility1Cut-Off Estimation Of A Prognostic Marker (Only One Observed...
expect.utility2Cut-Off Estimation Of A Prognostic Marker (Two Groups Are...
fr.ratetableExpected Mortality Rates of the General French Population
gc.logisticMarginal Effect for Binary Outcome by G-computation. Effect for Binary Outcome by Super Learned...
gc.survivalMarginal Effect for Censored Outcome by G-computation with a...
ipw.log.rankLog-Rank Test for Adjusted Survival Curves.
ipw.survivalAdjusted Survival Curves by Using IPW.
lines.rocriscaAdd Lines to a ROC Plot
lrs.multistateLikelihood Ratio Statistic to Compare Embedded Multistate...
markov.3states3-State Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Model
markov.3states.rsadd3-state Relative Survival Markov Model with Additive Risks
markov.4states4-State Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Model
markov.4states.rsadd4-state Relative Survival Markov Model with Additive Risks
mixture.2statesHorizontal Mixture Model for Two Competing Events
plot.rocriscaPlot Method for 'rocrisca' Objects
plot.survriscaPlot Method for 'survrisca' Objects
portPOsitivity-Regression Tree (PoRT) Algorithm to Identify...
predict.mixture.2statesCumulative Incidence Function Form Horizontal Mixture Model...
rmstRestricted Mean Survival Times.
roc.binaryROC Curves For Binary Outcomes.
roc.netNet Time-Dependent ROC Curves With Right Censored Data.
roc.prognostic.aggregatePrognostic ROC Curve Based on Survival Probabilities
roc.prognostic.individualPrognostic ROC Curve based on Individual Data
roc.summarySummary ROC Curve For Aggregated Data.
roc.timeTime-Dependent ROC Curves With Right Censored Data.
semi.markov.3states3-State Semi-Markov Model
semi.markov.3states.ic3-State Semi-Markov Model With Interval-Censored Data
semi.markov.3states.rsadd3-State Relative Survival Semi-Markov Model With Additive...
semi.markov.4states4-State Semi-Markov Model
semi.markov.4states.rsadd4-State Relative Survival Semi-Markov Model With Additive...
survival.mrMultiplicative-Regression Model to Compare the Risk Factors...
survival.summarySummary Survival Curve From Aggregated Data
survival.summary.strataSummary Survival Curve And Comparison Between Strata.
RISCA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.