Man pages for RInno
An Installation Framework for Shiny Apps

add_pkgsAdd package to named vector
code_sectionPascal script to check registry for R
compile_issCompile ISS
copy_installationDefault installation files
create_appCreates installation files and Inno Setup Script (ISS),...
create_batCreates app's batch file, "app_name.bat"
create_configCreates an app config file, "utils/config.cfg"
directives_sectionInno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) Directives
download_packagesDownload packages
example_appExample app
files_sectionFiles Section of ISS
flexdashboard_checkSearch for flexdashboard
get_ChromeDownloads Chrome
get_PandocDownloads Pandoc
get_RDownloads R
get_RtoolsDownloads Rtools
grapes-greater-than-grapesmagrittr Pipes
icons_sectionIcons Section of ISS
install_innoDownloads and installs Inno Setup
install_nodejsDownloads and installs nodejs
languages_sectionLanguages Section of ISS
nativefy_appPackage app into electron with nativefier
run_sectionRun Section of ISS
sanitize_R_versionSanitize R's version
setup_sectionSetup Section of ISS
standardize_pkgsStandardize package dependencies
start_issStart ISS
tasks_sectionTasks Section of ISS
RInno documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:52 p.m.