Man pages for RNCEP
Obtain, Organize, and Visualize NCEP Weather Data

gullGPS data points from a lesser black-backed gull
NCEP.aggregateTemporally Aggregate Weather Data
NCEP.AirspeedCalculate flow-assistance according to equation 'Airspeed'
NCEP.array2dfConvert data from an array to a data frame
NCEP.bindBind Two 3-D Arrays of Weather Data Along the Prime Meridian
NCEP.flightSimulate Trajectories
NCEP.FlowSpeedCalculate flow-assistance according to equation 'FlowSpeed'
NCEP.gatherQueries Weather Data
NCEP.GroundspeedCalculate flow-assistance according to equation 'Groundspeed'
NCEP.interpInterpolates Weather Data to a point in space and time
NCEP.loxodromeCalculate the loxodrome angle between two points on Earth.
NCEP.M.GroundspeedCalculate flow-assistance according to equation...
NCEP.NegFlowSpeedCalculate flow-assistance according to equation...
NCEP.PartialSpeedCalculate flow-assistance according to equation...
NCEP.restrictTemporally Filters Weather Data
NCEP.TailwindCalculate flow-assistance according to equation 'Tailwind'
NCEP.track2kmlPlot a track in Google Earth
NCEP.uv.revertReverts speed and direction to U and V components.
NCEP.vis.areaVisualize Weather Data on a Map
NCEP.vis.pointsVisualize Weather Data Interpolated to a Point on a Map
RNCEP-packageThis package of functions retrieves, organizes, and...
RNCEP documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:10 p.m.