Man pages for RNewsflow
Tools for Comparing Text Messages Across Time and Media

as_document_networkCreate a document similarity network
compare_documentsCompare the documents in a dtm
create_document_networkCreate a document similarity network
create_queriesAutomatically infer queries from combinations of terms in a...
delete_duplicatesDelete duplicate (or similar) documents from a document term...
directed_network_plotA wrapper for plot.igraph for visualizing directed networks.
docnetDocument similarity network for one news agency, and the...
document_network_plotVisualize (a subcomponent) of the document similarity network
filter_windowFilter edges from the document similarity network based on...
get_doc_termsView term scores for a given document
get_overlap_termsView overlapping terms for a given pair of documents
hourdiff_range_thresholdsInspect effects of thresholds on matches over time
network_aggregateAggregate the edges of a network by vertex attributes
newsflow_compareCreate a network of document similarities over time
only_first_matchTransform document network so that each document only matches...
rnewsflow_dfmquanteda dfm for RNewsflow vignette demo
show_windowShow time window of document pairs
tcrossprod_sparsetcrossprod with benefits, for people that like parameters
term_char_simFind terms with similar spelling
term_day_distCalculate statistics for term occurence across days
term_innovationExperimental: Convert dtm scores to a term innovation score,...
term_intersectCombine terms in a dtm
term_unionCombine terms in a dtm
RNewsflow documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:09 a.m.