Man pages for ROCnReg
ROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates

AROC.bnpNonparametric Bayesian inference of the covariate-adjusted...
AROC.kernelNonparametric kernel-based estimation of the...
AROC.spSemiparametric frequentist inference for the...
compute.threshold.AROCAROC based threshold values.
compute.threshold.cROCCovariate-specific ROC based threshold values.
compute.threshold.pooledROCPooled ROC based threshold values.
cROC.bnpNonparametric Bayesian inference for the covariate-specific...
cROCDataSelects an adequate set of points from a data set for...
cROC.kernelNonparametric kernel-based estimation of the...
cROC.spParametric and semiparametric frequentist inference of the...
densitycontrol(Conditional) density estimates of test outcomes
densitycontrol.arocConditional density estimates of test outcomes in the healthy...
endosynSimulated endocrine data.
mcmccontrolMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) parameters
pauccontrolPartial area under the...
plot.AROCDefault AROC plotting
plot.cROCDefault cROC plotting
plot.pooledROCDefault pooledROC plotting
pooledROC.BBBayesian bootstrap estimation of the pooled ROC curve.
pooledROC.dpmNonparametric Bayesian inference of the pooled ROC curve
pooledROC.empEmpirical estimation of the pooled ROC curve.
pooledROC.kernelKernel-based estimation of the pooled ROC curve.
predictive.checksPosterior predictive checks.
print.AROCPrint method for 'AROC' objects
print.cROCPrint method for 'cROC' objects
print.pooledROCPrint method for 'pooledROC' objects
priorcontrol.bnpPrior information for the 'AROC.bnp' and 'cROC.bnp'
priorcontrol.dpmPrior information for the 'pooledROC.dpm'
psaProstate specific antigen (PSA) biomarker study.
ROCnReg-packageROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates
summary.AROCSummary method for 'AROC' objects
summary.cROCSummary method for 'cROC' objects
summary.pooledROCSummary method for 'pooledROC' objects
ROCnReg documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:42 p.m.