Man pages for RPostgres
C++ Interface to PostgreSQL

dbDataTypeDetermine database type for R vector.
PostgresPostgres driver
postgresHasDefaultCheck if default database is available.
postgresIsTransactingReturn whether a transaction is ongoing
postgres-queryExecute a SQL statement on a database connection
postgres-tablesConvenience functions for reading/writing DBMS tables
postgres-transactionsTransaction management.
postgresWaitForNotifyWait for and return any notifications that return within...
PqConnection-classPqConnection and methods.
PqDriver-classPqDriver and methods.
PqResult-classPostgreSQL results.
quoteQuote postgres strings, identifiers, and literals
RedshiftRedshift driver/connection
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
RPostgres-packageRPostgres: Rcpp Interface to PostgreSQL
RPostgres documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.