PrestoQuery-class: Class to encapsulate a Presto query

PrestoQuery-classR Documentation

Class to encapsulate a Presto query


This reference class (so that the object can be passed by reference and modified) encapsulates the lifecycle of a Presto query from its inception (by providing a PrestoConnection and a query statement) to the steps it takes to execute (i.e. an initial POST request and subsequent GET requests).


This is similar to the PrestoQuery class defined in the Presto Python client



A PrestoConnection object


The query statement


The query ID returned after the first POST request


The timestamp of the query execution


How BIGINT fields should be converted to an R class


The query state. This changes every time the query advances to the next stage


The URI that specifies the next endpoint to send the GET request


The information URI


Query stats. This changes every time the query advances to the next stage


HTTP request response. This changes when the query advances


Parsed content from the HTTP request response


How many rows of data have been fetched to R

A boolean flag indicating if data returned from the POST request has been fetched


If a progress bar should be shown for long queries (which run for more than 2 seconds. Default to NA which turns on the progress bar for interactive queries.

RPresto documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:58 p.m.