RQGIS-package: RQGIS: Integrating R with QGIS

Description Details Author(s) See Also


RQGIS establishes an interface between R and 'QGIS', i.e. it allows the user to access 'QGIS' functionalities from the R console. It achieves this by using the QGIS' Python API via the command line. Hence, RQGIS extends R's statistical power by the incredible vast geo-functionality of 'QGIS' (including also 'GDAL', 'SAGA'- and 'GRASS'-GIS among other third-party providers). This in turn creates a powerful environment for advanced and innovative (geo-)statistical geocomputing. 'QGIS' is licensed under GPL version 2 or greater and is available from http://www.qgis.org/en/site/. Before running RQGIS you need to make sure to have installed correctly all external software such as QGIS, GRASS and SAGA.


Our vignette helps to correctly install all third-party dependencies (e.g., QGIS, GRASS, SAGA):

vignette("install_guide", package = "RQGIS")

To get started with RQGIS, have a peak at the example on our github page:



Maintainer: Jannes Muenchow jannes.muenchow@uni-jena.de (0000-0001-7834-4717)


See Also

Useful links:

RQGIS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:23 a.m.