SVG.viewing: Ways to view SVG files

Description Opera notes


The easiest way to view SVG files is in a web browser that has native SVG support. Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 9 onwards) all have native SVG browser support.

The section "Necessary Viewer/Browser for the examples" at the bottom of has information about SVG viewing software for various OS's.

Opera notes

The Opera viewer has automatic tooltips, which get data from the "title" element. When viewing SVG files created by RSVGTipsDevice, an extra tooltip will pop up after a short wait. To enable or disable tooltip popups in Opera, go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Browsing and toggle the "Show tooltips" option. (see

RSVGTipsDevice documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:20 p.m.