Man pages for RSizeBiased
Hypothesis Testing Based on R-Size Biased Samples

Cond.KL.Weib.GammaKullback-Leibler divergence between the (parametrized with...
d_rsize_WeibullWeibull size biased distribution of order r.
log_Lik_Weib_gamma_weightedLog likelihood function for the weighted gamma or Weibull...
p_rsize_WeibullWeibull size biased c.d.f. of order r.
r_moment_gamma_Weibr-th moment of the gamma or the Weibull distribution.
r_rsize_WeibullWeibull size biased random number generation of order r...
s11.s22Variance estimates for test statistics zeta_{n,r}^i, i=1,2...
Size.BiasedMV.TestsTest statistics.
T1T2.Mean.VarTest statistic T_{n,r}^1 or T_{n,r}^2 depending on user...
ufcUpper Flat Creek forest cruise tree data
zeta_plug_inzeta_{n,r}^i, i=1,2 test statistic for the Weibull or the...
RSizeBiased documentation built on March 29, 2021, 9:11 a.m.