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RUnit is a testing package for R code, inspired by the xUnit family of testing tools.

Originally implemented by Thomas Koenig, Klaus Juenemann, and Matthias Burger, this package has served the R community for over a decade.

Since RUnit is no longer actively developed, I provide maintenance of this package mostly to support older projects that still rely on RUnit.

Using RUnit

To make RUnit work with R CMD check, create a following file in the tests subdirectory. This would run the actual tests stored in the packages inst/tests subdirectory.

# Our package. Used for the test suite name
pkgname <- "your package name"
require(pkgname, quietly=TRUE, character.only=TRUE) || stop("package '", pkgname, "' not found")

# How to determine which files to load (have to start with test_ and end with .R)
pattern <- "^test_.*\\.R$"

# Which functions to run. Have to start with 'test.'
testFunctionRegexp = "^test.+"

# Path to the unit tests folder in the package (assuming "inst/tests" here)
dir <- system.file("tests", package=pkgname)

# Define RUnit test suite
suite <- defineTestSuite(name=paste(pkgname, "RUnit Tests"),
                         testFuncRegexp = testFunctionRegexp,

# Run tests
result <- runTestSuite(suite)

# Display result tests on the console

# Write results in JUnit-like xml format
printJUnitProtocol(result, fileName="junit.xml")

A typical unit test would then live for example in inst/tests/test.operations.R. Each such file can contain multiple functions like so:

test.additionWorks <- function() {
  checkEquals(2, 1+1, "one plus one must be two")

test.divisionByZeroFails <- function() {
  checkException(1/0, "division by zero is expected to fail")

Try the RUnit package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RUnit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.