Man pages for Rage
Life History Metrics from Matrix Population Models

age_from_stageCalculate age-specific traits from a matrix population model
entropy_dCalculate Demetrius' entropy from trajectories of...
entropy_kCalculate Keyfitz's entropy from a trajectory of age-specific...
gen_timeCalculate generation time from a matrix population model
is_leslie_matrixDetermine if a matrix is a Leslie matrix population model
leslie_collapseAggregate a Leslie matrix
leslie_mpm1Example Leslie matrix population model (MPM)
life_expectCalculate mean and variance of life expectancy from a matrix...
lifetable_convertConvert between age-specific survivorship, survival, or...
longevityCalculate longevity from a matrix population model
mpm1Example matrix population model (MPM)
mpm_collapseCollapse a matrix population model to a smaller number of...
mpm_rearrangeRearrange stages of a matrix population model to segregate...
mpm_splitConvert matrix population model into U, F and C matrices
mpm_standardizeTransform a matrix population model to a standardized form
mpm_to_tableGenerate a life table from a matrix population model
name_stagesAdd stage names to matrices
net_repro_rateCalculate net reproductive rate (R0) from a matrix population...
perturb_matrixPerturbation analysis of a matrix population model
perturb_stochasticCalculate stochastic elasticities from a time-series of...
perturb_transPerturbation analysis of transition types within a matrix...
perturb_vrPerturbation analysis of vital rates in a matrix population...
plot_life_cyclePlot a life cycle diagram from a matrix population model
pop_vectorsDerive a hypothetical set of population vectors corresponding...
qsd_convergeCalculate time to reach quasi-stationary stage distribution
Rage-packageRage: Life History Metrics from Matrix Population Models
repro_maturityAge of reproductive maturity
repro_stagesIdentify which stages in a matrix population model are...
shape_repCalculate shape of reproduction over age
shape_survCalculate shape of survival over age
standard_stagesIdentify stages corresponding to different parts of the...
vital_ratesDerive mean vital rates from a matrix population model
vrDerive mean vital rates from a matrix population model
vr_matDerive survival-independent vital rates for growth, stasis,...
vr_vecDerive stage-specific vital rates from a matrix population...
Rage documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 1:06 a.m.