Man pages for RandomFieldsUtils
Utilities for the Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields and Genetic Data

cholPosDefCholesky Decomposition of Positive Definite Matrices
confirmTest if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
dbinormDensity of a bivariate normal distribution
gaussGaussian Covariance Model
hostnameSystem calls
internalInternal functions
maternWhittle-Matern Model
orderxOrdering Permutation
PrintPrint method returning also the names automatically
RFoptionsSetting control arguments
rowMeansxSome Further Row and Column Functions
solvePosDefSolve a System of Equations for Positive Definite Matrices
sortxSorting Vectors
StruveModified Struve functions and related functions
uses.instruction.setCPU instruction set
RandomFieldsUtils documentation built on April 19, 2022, 5:09 p.m.