Man pages for Rborist
Extensible, Parallelizable Implementation of the Random Forest Algorithm

expandfeExpands forest values into front-end readable vectors.
ExportExportation Format for rfArb Training Output
forestWeightMeinshausen forest weights
predict.arbTrainpredict method for arbTrain result
preformatPreformatting for Training with Warm Starts
presampleForest-wide Observation Sampling
RboristRapid Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
RboristNewsNEWS Displayer for Rborist
rfArbRapid Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
rfTrainRapid Decision Tree Training
StreamlineReducing Memory Footprint of Trained Decision Forest
validateSeparate Validation of Trained Decision Forest
Rborist documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:56 a.m.