Man pages for RchivalTag
Analyzing and Interactive Visualization of Archival Tagging Data

bin_TempTSbin depth-temperature time series data
classify_DayTimeClassifying the time period of the day
combine_histoscombine lists of TAD/TAT frequency data
dy_DepthTSplot time series data via the dygraphs interactive time...
get_DayTimeLimitsEstimating the timing of sunrise, sunset, astronomical and...
get_thermalstratestimate thermal stratification indices
ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hourBoxplot on hourly aggregated DepthTS records
ggplot_geoposreads and plots geolocation estimates derived from archival...
ggplotly_geoposConverts a ggplot2 object from ggplot_geopos() to plotly
hist_tadTime-at-Depth histogram
hist_tatTime-at-Temperature histogram
image_TempDepthProfilesplots interpolated daily temperature at depth profiles
interpolate_TempDepthProfilesinterpolate daily temperature at depth profiles
leaflet_geoposreads and plots geolocation estimates derived from archival...
merge_histosmerge and/or rebin TAD/TAT-frequency data
plot_data_coverageAbacus plot to illustrate the data coverage of different data...
plot_DepthTempTSplot Depth Temperature time series data
plot_TSplot time series data
RchivalTagRchivalTag - Analyzing and Interactive Visualization of...
read_histosreads a TAD/TAT-histogram file from archival tags
read_PDTread PDT data from archival one or multiple tags
read_TSreads Time Series Data from Archival Tags
resample_PDTresample temperature at depth data from interpolated daily...
resample_TSresample time series data at a lower resolution
simulate_DepthTSsimulate depth time series data
ts2histosconvert depth and temperature time series data to discrete...
unmerge_histosunmerge previously grouped or merged lists of TAD/TAT...
update_leaflet_elementIdupdate elementID of the leaflet map to avoid rendering issues...
RchivalTag documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:06 p.m.