hierarchicalCluster: Rcmdr Hierarchical Clustering Dialog

hierarchicalClusterR Documentation

Rcmdr Hierarchical Clustering Dialog


This dialog is used to specify a hierarchical cluster analysis solution using hclust, with the distance matrix calculated using dist.


Enter a name for the hierarchical clustering solution to be created if you want to retain more than one solution. The solution name must be a valid R object name (consisting only of upper- and lower-case letters, numerials, and periods, and not starting with a number).

Select the variables to be included in the solution using the variable selection box on the left side of the dialog box. A non-contiguous set of variables can be selected by pressing your control key (ctrl) while selecting variables.

Specifying a subset expression (the field below the variable selection box) allows you to obtain a clustering solution for a subset of observations in the active data set. For example, assuming that gener is a variable in the active data set, entering gender == "Male" would restrict the solution to males.

Select a clustering method and a distance measure if you are working with raw data. There is often a relationship between the selection of these two items. For example, squared-euclidian distance is appropriate for Ward's method of cluster analysis. If your data is a distance matrix, then select "No Transformation" as the distance measure.

The "Plot Dendrogram" option results in the dendrogram of the solution being display by using the plot function.


Dan Putler

See Also

hclust, dist

Rcmdr documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:09 a.m.