dceModel: Fit Model to DCE Data

View source: R/RcmdrPlugin.DCE.R

dceModelR Documentation

Fit Model to DCE Data


Fit a model to DCE data.


This dialog box fits a conditional logit model to the data set for DCE analysis using the functions clogit in survival and gofm in support.CEs. This dialog box is activated if the DCE data set created in the ‘Create Data Set for DCE Analysis’ dialog box is selected as the active data set. For details on the results of this dialog box, refer to helps for clogit and gofm.

GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.

  • Name for model: An R object name into which the results of a fitted model obtained using this dialog box are stored. The default name ‘DCEmodel.x’, where x indicates the integer number assigned automatically from 1, can be changed following R's rules for naming objects.

  • Response variable: A variable containing responses to DCE questions in the active data set. This variable name is fixed as RES, which cannot be changed by users (A fixed variable is colored in green).

  • Independent variables: Variables used as independent variables in the model. Select one or more variables from this list box.

  • Stratification variable: A variable for identifying each combination of respondents and DCE questions. This variable name is fixed as STR.

  • Subset expression: A logical expression for specifying a subset of the observations in the active dataset to be used for the fitting.

RcmdrPlugin.DCE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.