RcmdrPlugin.NMBU-package: R Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied Statistics

RcmdrPlugin.NMBU-packageR Documentation

R Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied Statistics


This package provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" extending some functions of linear models and providing new and extended interfaces to PCA, PLS, LDA, QDA, clustering of variables, tests, plots, etc.


Package: RcmdrPlugin.NMBU
License: GPL version 2 or newer
LazyLoad: yes

Run the plugin using the code library(RcmdrPlugin.NMBU) or library(umb).
Statistical and summary functions included:

  • dummy(y)

  • PRESS(object=NULL) (default is current model)

  • PRESS.res(object=NULL) (default is current model)

  • R2_pred(object=NULL) (default is current model)

  • forward(model, alpha=0.2, full=FALSE)

  • backward(model, alpha=0.2, full=FALSE)

  • stepWise(model, alpha.enter=0.15, alpha.remove=0.15, full=FALSE)

  • stepWiseBack(model, alpha.remove=0.15, alpha.enter=0.15, full=FALSE)

  • best.subsets(model, nbest=5, nvmax)

  • confint.mvr(object, parm, level=0.95, ...)

  • confusion(true, predicted)

  • DA.scores(object=NULL) (default is current model)

  • plotDA(DAobject=NULL, regions=TRUE, contours=FALSE, resolution=100)

  • hclust.merge(object) (default is last clustering)

  • mixed.model(formula, random.effects=NULL, data, restrictedModel=FALSE, subset="")

  • summary.extra(object)

  • anova_reg(lm.object)

  • predict_CI_PI(model, data, level)

  • prop.test.ordinary(x, n, p = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), conf.level = 0.95, correct = TRUE)

  • rmsep(object) (default is current model)

Utility functions included:

  • aovP()

  • clustP()

  • daP()

  • mixP()

  • pcaP()

  • plsP()

  • variablesP()

  • DA.coef()

  • hclust.list()

  • listHclustSolutions(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...)

  • make.colours(object)

  • confint.mvr(object, parm, level=0.95, ...)

  • dummy(y)

  • dummify(y,n,name)

  • Dummify(data, main.effects, response)

  • fparse(f)

  • if.R()

GUI Functions included:

  • anova_reg_GUI()

  • backwardDrop()

  • backwardForward()

  • bestSubsets()

  • coefNMBU()

  • contrastGUI()

  • contrastGUI2()

  • covarianceMatrix()

  • createSequence()

  • discriminantAnalysis()

  • discriminantPlot()

  • dotplotGUI()

  • enterTableNMBU()

  • fittedLinePlot()

  • wideForwardAdd()

  • forwardAdd()

  • forwardBackward()

  • hierarchicalClusterVariable()

  • linearModelANOVA()

  • meanCenter()

  • mixtureGUI()

  • plsRegressionModel()

  • postHocGUI()

  • predictRegressionModel()


  • principalComponentPlots()

  • principalComponentsStat()

  • proportionTest()

  • sortData()

  • twoSamplesTTest()

  • twoWayTableNMBU()

Graphical Functions included:

  • CIplot()

  • dotPlot()

  • dots()

  • mixture.contour()

  • panel.ci.plot()

  • plotDA()


Kristian Hovde Liland <kristian.liland@nmbu.no>


## Not run: 
## This example shows alternative ways of starting 
## package using the official plugin or an unofficial wrapper.
library(RcmdrPlugin.NMBU) # Starts up the R Commander including this plugin.
library(nmbu) # Simpler startup with automatic update hosted by NMBU (when available).

## End(Not run)

RcmdrPlugin.NMBU documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:31 p.m.