Man pages for RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat
R Commander Plugin for Teaching Statistical Methods

AgrupadasGrouped or tabulated data set
aovremlANOVA with random effects using the (REstricted) Maximum...
aovremmANOVA with random effects using the Moments method.
calcular_frecuenciaFrequency distributions for qualitative variables
calcularResumenDatosTabuladosSummary statistics for tabulated data
calcularResumenVariablesContinuasSummary statistics for continuous variables
calcularResumenVariablesDiscretasSummary statistics for discrete variables
cars93Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993
characRVCharacteristics of Random Variables.
ComplexINComplex index numbers
Cprop.testTest for proportions of one or two samples
DeflatDeflation of an economic series
DepositosDeposits with credit institutions in Ourense
distrDefineDefinition of Random Variables
DMKV.testZ-test for the difference of means of two independent Normal...
GUI_ConvertVariablesModify Variable Types
GUI_ICHCMediaConfidence interval or hypothesis testing for the mean of a...
GUI_ICHCMediasIndependientesConfidence interval or hypothesis testing for the difference...
GUI_ICHCVarianzaConfidence interval or hypothesis testing for the Variance
GUI_IndexNumbersIndex Numbers menu
GUI_RandomANOVAOne-Way ANOVA with random effects.
listTypesVariablesList of variables and types of a Data Frame
MKV.testZ-test for the mean of a Normal variable with known...
plotRegionsPlot regions in probability mass or density functions.
priceIndexNumPrice index numbers
PricesData for computing price indices.
randdomnessMenuRandomness test
RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat-internalInternal RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat objects
RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat-packageR Commander plugin for teaching statistical methods.
SindexSimple index numbers
Utilities'RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat' Utility Functions
VKM.testChi-square test for the variance of a Normal variable with...
VUM.testChi-square test for the variance of a Normal variable with...
W.numSummarySummary statistics for weighted variables
RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat documentation built on Nov. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.