RcppBlaze-package: R and Blaze Integration

Description Details Caution Using RcppBlaze Author(s) References


RcppBlaze construct a bridge between R and Blaze.


'Blaze' is an open-source, high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic. With its state-of-the-art Smart Expression Template implementation Blaze combines the elegance and ease of use of a domain-specific language with HPC-grade performance, making it one of the most intuitive and fastest C++ math libraries available. The Blaze library offers:

The RcppBlaze package includes the header files from the Blaze library with disabling some functionalities related to link to the thread and system libraries which make RcppBlaze be a header-only library. Therefore, users do not need to install Blaze and the dependency Boost. Blaze is licensed under the New (Revised) BSD license, while RcppBlaze (the Rcpp bindings/bridge to Blaze) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of Rcpp.

Note that since Blaze has committed to C++14 which does not used by most R users from version 3.0, we will use the version 2.6 of Blaze which is C++98 compatible to support the most compilers and system.


On the windows x64 with Rtools33, Rtools34, std::ptrdiff_s is defined as long long unsigned int, so do not direct wrap the dimention of matrix or the size of vector to output in case the compiling error occurs.

Using RcppBlaze

The simplest way to get started is to create a skeleton of a package using RcppBlaze. This can be done conveniently by the RcppBlaze.package.skeleton function.

The important steps are

  1. Include the RcppBlaze.h header file, which also includes blaze/Blaze.h.

  2. Import Rcpp, LinkingTo Rcpp, BH and RcppBlaze by adding these lines to the DESCRIPTION file:

      Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.11.0)
      LinkingTo: Rcpp, BH, RcppBlaze
  3. Link against the BLAS and LAPACK libraries, by adding following two lines in the Makevars and Makevars.win files:



For RcppBlaze: Chingchuan Chen Maintainer: Chingchuan Chen <zw12356@gmail.com> For blaze: Klaus Iglberger, Georg Hager, Christian Godenschwager, Tobias Scharpff


  1. Blaze project: https://bitbucket.org/blaze-lib/blaze

  2. K. Iglberger, G. Hager, J. Treibig, and U. Ruede: Expression Templates Revisited: A Performance Analysis of Current Methodologies. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34(2): C42–C69, 2012

  3. K. Iglberger, G. Hager, J. Treibig, and U. Ruede: High Performance Smart Expression Template Math Libraries. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on New Algorithms and Programming Models for the Manycore Era (APMM 2012) at HPCS 2012

RcppBlaze documentation built on Oct. 9, 2017, 5:05 p.m.