Man pages for RcppCWB
'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')

check_pkg_registry_filesCheck Paths in Registry Files
checksCheck Input to Rcpp Functions.
cl_attribute_sizeGet Attribute Size (of Positional/Structural Attribute).
cl_charset_nameGet charset of a corpus.
cl_delete_corpusDrop loaded corpus.
cl_find_corpusLoad corpus.
cl_functionsRcpp wrappers for CWB Corpus Library functions
cl_lexicon_sizeGet Lexicon Size.
cl_list_corporaShow CL corpora
cl_load_corpusLoad corpus
cl_reworkLow-level CL access.
cl_struc_valuesCheck whether structural attribute has values
corpus_is_loadedCheck whether corpus is loaded
cqp_initializeInitialize Corpus Query Processor (CQP).
cqp_list_corporaList Available CWB Corpora.
cqp_queryExecute CQP Query and Retrieve Results.
cwb_charsetsCharacter sets supported by CWB
cwb_utilsCWB Tools for Creating Corpora
cwb_versionGet CWB version
get_cbow_matrixGet CBOW Matrix.
get_count_vectorGet Vector with Counts for Positional Attribute.
get_pkg_registryGet Registry Directory Within Package
get_region_matrixGet Matrix with Regions for Strucs.
ids_to_count_matrixPerform Count for Vector of IDs.
matrix_to_subcorpusCreate CWB subcorpus from matrix with regions.
p_attr_defaultGet default p-attribute
p_attributesUsing Positional Attributes.
RcppCWB-packgeRcpp Bindings for the Corpus Workbench (CWB).
region_matrix_opsGet IDs and Counts for Region Matrices.
regions_to_strucsGet min and max strucs of s-attribute present in region
registry_infoGet information from registry file
s_attribute_decodeDecode Structural Attribute.
s_attributesUsing Structural Attributes.
s_attr_regionsGet regions defined by a structural attribute
subcorpus_get_rangesGet ranges of subcorpus
tmp_registryUse Temporary Registry
xmlExplore XML structure of CWB corpus
RcppCWB documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:40 p.m.