Adding a Custom Function to RcppHoney

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RcppHoney provides default functions that are executed appropriately with expression templates, however a user may want to use a function of his/her own in an RcppHoney expression (and also reap the benefits of expression templates). Fortunately there is a fairly easy way to accomplish this.

The Example (for the impatient)

What follows essentially uses the same pattern as a native RcppHoney function and must simply be defined by the user before using it in code. For this example, let us suppose we have created a unary function foo that returns an int and takes a double as its lone parameter and a binary function bar that is overloaded such that its return type is the wider of the two parameter types and the parameter types are some permutation of int, and double.

// Let Rcpp know we need RcppHoney
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppHoney)]]

#include <RcppHoney.hpp>

int foo(double d) {
    if (d >= 0) {
        return int(d + .5);
    } else {
        return int(d - .5);

int bar(int x, int y) {return x + y;}
double bar(int x, double y) {return x + y;}
double bar(double x, int y) {return x + y;}
double bar(double x, double y) {return x + y;}

namespace RcppHoney {
namespace functors {

template< typename Iterator, bool NA >
struct foo : public unary_result_dims {
    typedef int return_type;
    return_type operator()(Iterator &rhs) const {
        if (NA) {
            if (na< typename traits::ctype<
                    typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type
                >::type >::is_na(*rhs)) {
                return na< return_type >::VALUE();
            } else {
                return ::foo(*rhs);
        } else {
            return ::foo(*rhs);

template< typename LhsIterator, typename RhsIterator, bool NA = true >
struct bar : public binary_result_dims {
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits< LhsIterator >::value_type
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits< RhsIterator >::value_type
    typedef typename traits::widest_numeric_type< lhs_value_type,
        rhs_value_type >::type return_type;

    inline return_type operator()(LhsIterator &lhs, RhsIterator &rhs) const {
        if (NA) {
            if (!na< typename traits::ctype< lhs_value_type >::type
                >::is_na(*lhs) && !na< typename traits::ctype<
                    rhs_value_type >::type >::is_na(*rhs)) {
                return ::bar(*lhs, *rhs);

            return na< return_type >::VALUE();
        } else {
            return ::bar(*lhs, *rhs);

} // namespace functors
} // namespace RcppHoney

namespace RcppHoney {



// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector example_custom_function(Rcpp::NumericVector v,
    Rcpp::NumericVector w) {

    RcppHoney::NumericVector retval = RcppHoney::foo(v) + RcppHoney::bar(v, w);
    return retval;

Now it is time to understand what this all means.


First, let us discuss how functions are applied. RcppHoney essentially builds up iterators that know how to execute the expression for each element in the container. When that iterator is dereferenced, the magic happens. Each sub-expression along the way is evaluated to come to a final value of the dereferenced iterator. The operations that need to be executed are defined by function objects. These function objects implement operator()(operand1, [operand2]) which which means that as long as we know the type of the function object (and how to construct it), we can apply it to the appropriate operands. These function objects in RcppHoney live in the RcppHoney::functor namespace because it's shorter to type than RcppHoney::function_objects.

Function objects in RcppHoney take iterators as their operands so that we can pass unevaluated expressions along to each of them and, again, defer the actual operations until the final iterator dereferencing. RcppHoney currently only supports unary and binary functions. Ternary functions are currently not supported, but may be in the future (this is a result of the combinatorial explosion of function definitions that must be created to handle increasing numbers of operands and lack of a current use case).

Let us look at RcppHoney::functors::log and RcppHoney::functors::pow:

// From RcppHoney/functors.hpp

namespace RcppHoney {
namespace functors {

template< typename Iterator, bool NA >
struct log : public binary_result_dims {
    typedef double return_type;
    return_type operator()(Iterator &rhs) const {
        if (NA) {
            if (na< typename traits::ctype< typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type >::type >::is_na(*rhs)) {
                return na< return_type >::VALUE();
            } else {
                return std::log(*rhs);
        } else {
            return std::log(*rhs);

template< typename LhsIterator, typename RhsIterator, bool NA = true >
struct pow : public binary_result_dims {
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits< LhsIterator >::value_type lhs_value_type;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits< RhsIterator >::value_type rhs_value_type;
    typedef double return_type;

    inline return_type operator()(LhsIterator &lhs, RhsIterator &rhs) const {
        if (NA) {
            if (!na< typename traits::ctype< lhs_value_type >::type >::is_na(*lhs)
                && !na< typename traits::ctype< rhs_value_type >::type >::is_na(*rhs)) {
                return std::pow(*lhs, *rhs);

            return na< return_type >::VALUE();
        } else {
            return std::pow(*lhs, *rhs);

} // namespace functors
} // namespace RcppHoney

Let us deconstruct this a bit. First note that the both log and pow are templated.

template< typename Iterator, bool NA >
struct log;

template< typename LhsIterator, typename RhsIterator, bool NA >

They are both templated over the operand iterator type(s) and a boolean value NA. This is a requirement for RcppHoney function objects. The iterator types (Iterator, LhsIterator, and RhsIterator) tell us what kind of operands to expect. The NA boolean lets us handle this function differently depending on whether the user wants to respect the NA values from R which are non-standard extensions of the common C++ types int and double. They also both inherit from binary_result_dims. This is a convenience class that defines the dims_t result_dims(const dims_t &lhs, const dims_t &rhs) method for the functor. Given the dimensions of the RHS and LHS, this function will simply return the dimensions of the result. There are a couple of special cases with dims_t (which is defined as a std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t >). If dims.first == -1 this indicates that the result is a scalar (and will allow itself to work in a binary operator with operands of any dimension). If dims.second == 0, then the operand is a vector and can interoperate with other vectors of the same length. If dims.second != 0 then we are dealing with a matrix. In practice, you will likely not need to worry about these things and inheriting from binary_result_dims or unary_result_dims will be sufficient.

Each of the structs includes a local typedef called return_type. This tells RcppHoney what the return type of this function object is going to be. In these two cases, return_type is simply another name for double because both std::pow and std::log have a return type of double.

Now to the meat of it. Both structs define operator()(...). For log, which only takes one parameter, this function takes one parameter of type Iterator, over which the struct is templated. For pow, which takes two parameters, the operator()(...) function takes two parameters of types LhsIterator and RhsIterator respectively.

The bodies of the operator()(...) functions are actually quite simple. If NA is true then we check for NA values and return the appropriate value if the operands are NA. Otherwise we simply apply the function to the dereferenced value(s) of the operand(s).

Any function object defined by these rules is fair game for use in RcppHoney.

Now we have function objects, but in general they are somewhat annoying to call as we have to instantiate an object of the function object's type and then call operator()(...) on it. Also, we need to already know the iterator(s) that we want to use as the operand(s). This is far from convenient, so we create functions in the RcppHoney namespace that can take any of the types that are "hooked" in to RcppHoney.

For unary functions like log the function signatures that need to be created are as follows (in pseudoish code):

namespace RcppHoney {

operand< ... > log(const operand< ... > &);
operand< ... > log(const hooked_type &);

} // namespace

For binary functions like pow the function signatures that need to be created are:

namespace RcppHoney {

operand< ... > pow(const operand< ... > &, const operand< ... > &);
operand< ... > pow(const scalar &, const operand< ... > &);
operand< ... > pow(const operand< ... > &, const scalar &);
operand< ... > pow(const scalar &, const hooked_type &);
operand< ... > pow(const hooked_type &, const scalar &);
operand< ... > pow(const operand< ... > &, const hooked_type &);
operand< ... > pow(const hooked_type &, const operand< ... > &);
operand< ... > pow(const hooked_type &, const hooked_type &);

} // namespace RcppHoney

Fortunately, RcppHoney provides macros to define these for us.


RcppHoney makes some assumptions about the namespaces that these macro parameters live in, so all we need to say to create all the functions is:


The Example (explained)

When we added RcppHoney functions for foo and bar we wrote a lot of unexplained code. Here we will go through it step by step in more detail.

The Functions

First we have the functions that we wish to use with RcppHoney objects (and hooked objects). These functions are fairly representative of the types of functions that we might want to leverage inside RcppHoney expressions. There is a third class of function which we might want to add which is the truly templated function. This is, in essence, a more general case of the bar example and is left as an exercise for the reader.

int foo(double d) {
    if (d >= 0) {
        return int(d + .5);
    } else {
        return int(d - .5);

int bar(int x, int y) {return x + y;}
double bar(int x, double y) {return x + y;}
double bar(double x, int y) {return x + y;}
double bar(double x, double y) {return x + y;}

The Function Objects

Next we need to create our function object wrappers for these functions:

namespace RcppHoney {
namespace functors {

template< typename Iterator, bool NA >
struct foo {
    typedef int return_type;
    return_type operator()(Iterator &rhs) const {
        if (NA) {
            if (na< typename traits::ctype<
                    typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type
                >::type >::is_na(*rhs)) {
                return na< return_type >::VALUE();
            } else {
                return ::foo(*rhs);
        } else {
            return ::foo(*rhs);

template< typename LhsIterator, typename RhsIterator, bool NA = true >
struct bar {
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits< LhsIterator >::value_type
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits< RhsIterator >::value_type
    typedef typename traits::widest_numeric_type< lhs_value_type,
        rhs_value_type >::type return_type;

    inline return_type operator()(LhsIterator &lhs, RhsIterator &rhs) const {
        if (NA) {
            if (!na< typename traits::ctype< lhs_value_type >::type
                >::is_na(*lhs) && !na< typename traits::ctype<
                    rhs_value_type >::type >::is_na(*rhs)) {
                return ::bar(*lhs, *rhs);

            return na< return_type >::VALUE();
        } else {
            return ::bar(*lhs, *rhs);

} // namespace functors
} // namespace RcppHoney

There is a little bit of magic here using std::iterator_traits, traits::ctype and traits::widest_numeric_type. The full implementation of these is beyond the scope of this document, but in brief:

The practical upshot of it all is that with these classes, we can code our function objects to know their return_type and also appropriately test for NA values if the NA template parameter is true. It is important to note here that we have added an if statement with respect to the NA template value. We could also accomplish this with template specialization however, the NA template value is known at compile time and compilers are smart enough to simply optimize out things that look like if (false) at compile time.

It is also important to note that these function objects MUST be defined in the RcppHoney::functors namespace. This is because the macros use to create the functions that will use these function objects assume that to be the case.

The Integration

Finally, we need to declare our functions to actually integrate this with RcppHoney. They should be declared inside the RcppHoney namespace. This restriction could technically be removed, but it can help prevent name collisions, so we have decided to keep it.

namespace RcppHoney {


} // namespace RcppHoney

Wrapping Up

Integrating our own custom functions with RcppHoney can add flexibility to our code as well as help with performance. By following this pattern we can get expression template evaluation within RcppHoney for any unary or binary function that we wish to use.

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RcppHoney documentation built on Nov. 19, 2017, 1:05 a.m.