fparse: Fast, Friendly, and Flexible JSON Parsing

View source: R/fparse.R

fparseR Documentation

Fast, Friendly, and Flexible JSON Parsing


Parse JSON strings and files to R objects.


  query = NULL,
  empty_array = NULL,
  empty_object = NULL,
  single_null = NULL,
  parse_error_ok = FALSE,
  on_parse_error = NULL,
  query_error_ok = FALSE,
  on_query_error = NULL,
  max_simplify_lvl = c("data_frame", "matrix", "vector", "list"),
  type_policy = c("anything_goes", "numbers", "strict"),
  int64_policy = c("double", "string", "integer64", "always"),
  always_list = FALSE

  query = NULL,
  empty_array = NULL,
  empty_object = NULL,
  single_null = NULL,
  parse_error_ok = FALSE,
  on_parse_error = NULL,
  query_error_ok = FALSE,
  on_query_error = NULL,
  max_simplify_lvl = c("data_frame", "matrix", "vector", "list"),
  type_policy = c("anything_goes", "numbers", "strict"),
  int64_policy = c("double", "string", "integer64", "always"),
  always_list = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  temp_dir = tempdir(),
  keep_temp_files = FALSE,
  compressed_download = FALSE,



JSON strings, file paths, or raw vectors.

  • fparse()

    • character: One or more JSON strings.

    • raw: json is interpreted as the bytes of a single JSON string.

    • list Every element must be of type "raw" and each is individually interpreted as the bytes of a single JSON string.

  • fload()

    • character: One or more paths to files (local or remote) containing JSON.


If not NULL, JSON Pointer(s) used to identify and extract specific elements within json. See Details and Examples. NULL, character(), or list() of character(). default: NULL


Any R object to return for empty JSON arrays. default: NULL


Any R object to return for empty JSON objects. default: NULL.


Any R object to return for single JSON nulls. default: NULL.


Whether to allow parsing errors. default: FALSE.


If parse_error_ok is TRUE, on_parse_error is any R object to return when query errors occur. default: NULL.


Whether to allow parsing errors. default: FALSE.


If query_error_ok is TRUE, on_query_error is any R object to return when query errors occur. default: NULL.


Maximum simplification level. character(1L) or integer(1L), default: "data_frame"

  • "data_frame" or 0L

  • "matrix" or 1L

  • "vector" or 2L

  • "list" or 3L (no simplification)


Level of type strictness. character(1L) or integer(1L), default: "anything_goes".

  • "anything_goes" or 0L: non-recursive arrays always become atomic vectors

  • "numbers" or 1L: non-recursive arrays containing only numbers always become atomic vectors

  • "strict" or 2L: non-recursive arrays containing mixed types never become atomic vectors


How to return big integers to R. character(1L) or integer(1L), default: "double".

  • "double" or 0L: big integers become doubles

  • "string" or 1L: big integers become characters

  • "integer64" or 2L: big integers become bit64::integer64s

  • "always" or 3L: all integers become bit64::integer64s


Whether a list should always be returned, even when length(json) == 1L. default: FALSE.


Whether to display status messages. TRUE or FALSE, default: FALSE


Directory path to use for any temporary files. character(1L), default: tempdir()


Whether to remove any temporary files created by fload() from temp_dir. TRUE or FALSE, default: TRUE


Whether to request server-side compression on the downloaded document, default: FALSE


Optional arguments which can be use e.g. to pass additional header settings


  • Instead of using lapply() to parse multiple values, just use fparse() and fload() directly.

    • They are vectorized in order to leverage the underlying simdjson::dom::parser's ability to reuse its internal buffers between parses.

    • Since the overwhelming majority of JSON parsed will not result in scalars, a list() is always returned if json contains more than one value.

    • If json contains multiple values and has names(), the returned object will have the same names.

    • If json contains multiple values and is unnamed, fload() names each returned element using the file's basename().

  • query's goal is to minimize te amount of data that must be materialized as R objects (the main performance bottleneck) as well as facilitate any post-parse processing.

    • To maximize flexibility, there are two approaches to consider when designing query arguments.

      • character vectors are interpreted as containing queries that meant to be applied to all elements of json=.

        • If json= contains 3 strings and query= contains 3 strings, the returned object will be a list of 3 elements (1 for each element of json=), which themselves each contain 3 lists (1 for each element of query=).

      • lists of character vectors are interpreted as containing queries meant to be applied to json in a zip-like fashion.


Brendan Knapp


# simple parsing ============================================================
json_string <- '{"a":[[1,null,3.0],["a","b",true],[10000000000,2,3]]}'

raw_json <- as.raw(
    c(0x22, 0x72, 0x61, 0x77, 0x20, 0x62, 0x79, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x63,
      0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x62, 0x65, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x4a, 0x53,
      0x4f, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x21, 0x22)

# ensuring a list is always returned ========================================
fparse(json_string, always_list = TRUE)
fparse(c(named_single_element_character = json_string), always_list = TRUE)

# controlling type-strictness ===============================================
fparse(json_string, type_policy = "numbers")
fparse(json_string, type_policy = "strict")
fparse(json_string, type_policy = "numbers", int64_policy = "string")

if (requireNamespace("bit64", quietly = TRUE)) {
    fparse(json_string, type_policy = "numbers", int64_policy = "integer64")

# vectorized parsing ========================================================
json_strings <- c(
    json1 = '[{"b":true,
    json2 = '[{"b":[[7, 8, 9],

        raw_json1 = as.raw(c(0x74, 0x72, 0x75, 0x65)),
        raw_json2 = as.raw(c(0x66, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x73, 0x65))

# controlling simplification ================================================
fparse(json_strings, max_simplify_lvl = "matrix")
fparse(json_strings, max_simplify_lvl = "vector")
fparse(json_strings, max_simplify_lvl = "list")

# customizing what `[]`, `{}`, and single `null`s return ====================
empties <- "[[],{},null]"
       empty_array = logical(),
       empty_object = `names<-`(list(), character()),
       single_null = NA_real_)

# handling invalid JSON and parsing errors ==================================
fparse("junk JSON", parse_error_ok = TRUE)
fparse("junk JSON", parse_error_ok = TRUE,
       on_parse_error = "can't parse invalid JSON")
    c(junk_JSON_1 = "junk JSON 1",
      valid_JSON_1 = '"this is valid JSON"',
      junk_JSON_2 = "junk JSON 2",
      valid_JSON_2 = '"this is also valid JSON"'),
    parse_error_ok = TRUE,
    on_parse_error = NA

# querying JSON w/ a JSON Pointer ===========================================
json_to_query <- c(
    json1 = '[
        "b": {
            "c": [[1,2,3],
    json2 = '[
        "b": {
            "c": [[7,8,9],
           "d": [1,2,3,4]
fparse(json_to_query, query = "/1")
fparse(json_to_query, query = "/1/b")
fparse(json_to_query, query = "/1/b/c")
fparse(json_to_query, query = "/1/b/c/1")
fparse(json_to_query, query = "/1/b/c/1/0")

# handling invalid queries ==================================================
fparse(json_to_query, query = "/1/b/d",
       query_error_ok = TRUE,
       on_query_error = "d isn't a key here!")

# multiple queries applied to EVERY element =================================
fparse(json_to_query, query = c(query1 = "/1/b/c/1/0",
                                query2 = "/1/b/c/1/1",
                                query3 = "/1/b/c/1/2"))

# multiple queries applied to EACH element ==================================
       query = list(queries_for_json1 = c(c1 = "/1/b/c/1/0",
                                          c2 = "/1/b/c/1/1"),
                    queries_for_json2 = c(d1 = "/1/b/d/1",
                                          d2 = "/1/b/d/2")))

# load JSON files ===========================================================
single_file <- system.file("jsonexamples/small/demo.json", package = "RcppSimdJson")

multiple_files <- c(
  system.file("jsonexamples/small/smalldemo.json", package = "RcppSimdJson")

## Not run: 

# load remote JSON ==========================================================
a_url <- "https://api.github.com/users/lemire"

multiple_urls <- c(
fload(multiple_urls, query = "name", verbose = TRUE)

# download compressed (faster) JSON =========================================
fload(multiple_urls, query = "name", verbose = TRUE,
      compressed_download = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

RcppSimdJson documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:17 p.m.