
Defines functions format_stopwatch elapsed_stopwatch get_stopwatch log_critical log_error log_warn log_info log_debug log_trace log_set_level log_set_pattern log_drop log_filesetup log_init log_setup formatter setLogLevel exampleRsink

Documented in elapsed_stopwatch exampleRsink format_stopwatch formatter get_stopwatch log_critical log_debug log_drop log_error log_filesetup log_info log_init log_set_level log_set_pattern log_setup log_trace log_warn setLogLevel

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#' spdlog Example using a sink for R
#' A simple example invoking a derived R/Rcpp logger. Also demonstrates the
#' stopwatch feature. For more features see the 'spdlog' documnetation.
#' Note that this no longer triggers R warnings thanks to excellent help by
#' Gabi Melman.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' exampleRsink()
exampleRsink <- function() {

#' spdlog Logging Lever Setter
#' A helper function to turn a logging level given as string
#' into the current logging level
#' @param name A string with the logging level. Value understood are,
#' in decreasing verbosity \sQuote{trace}, \sQuote{debug}, \sQuote{info},
#' \sQuote{warning}, \sQuote{error}, \sQuote{critical}, and \sQuote{off}.
#' Unrecognised names are equivalent to \sQuote{off}.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
setLogLevel <- function(name) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_setLogLevel`, name))

#' Simple Pass-Through Formatter to \code{fmt::format()}
#' The C-level interface of R does not make it easy to pass \code{...}  arguments.
#' This helper function assumes it has already been called with \code{format()}
#' on each argument (as a wrapper can do) so it just spreads out the class to
#' \code{fmt::format{}} which, being C++, uses variadic templates to receive the
#' arguments. The main motivation for this function to able to format string as
#' use by the \sQuote{fmtlib::fmt} library included in \sQuote{spdlog} to write
#' similar debug strings in both R and C++. This function permits R calls with
#' multiple arguments of different types which (by being formatted on the R side)
#' are handled as strings (whereas C++ logging has access to the templating logic).
#' @param s A character variable with a format string for \sQuote{fmtlib::fmt}
#' @param v A character vector with the logging string arguments.
#' @return A single (formatted) string
#' @seealso https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt
formatter <- function(s, v) {
    .Call(`_RcppSpdlog_formatter`, s, v)

#' R Accessor Functions for spdlog Logger
#' Several R-level functions can access the \code{spdlog} logging facilties. As \code{spdlog}
#' is a C++-level logging library, these are R function permit concurrent logging from both
#' R and C++.
#' Several functions are provided:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{\code{log_setup}}{Initializes a logger (which becomes the default logger).}
#'    \item{\code{log_filesetup}}{Initializes a file-based logger (which becomes the default).}
#'    \item{\code{log_drop}}{Removes logger (which in general should not be needed).}
#'    \item{\code{log_set_pattern}}{Changes the default logging message pattern.}
#'    \item{\code{log_set_level}}{Sets the logging level threshold.}
#'    \item{\code{log_trace}}{Logs a trace-level message.}
#'    \item{\code{log_debug}}{Logs a debug-level message.}
#'    \item{\code{log_info}}{Logs a info-level message.}
#'    \item{\code{log_warn}}{Logs a warn-level message.}
#'    \item{\code{log_error}}{Logs a error-level message.}
#'    \item{\code{log_critical}}{Logs a critical-level message.}
#' }
#' Supported logging levels are, in order of increasing threshold values, \sQuote{trace},
#' \sQuote{debug}, \sQuote{warn}, \sQuote{info}, \sQuote{warn}, \sQuote{error}, and
#' \sQuote{critical}.  A message issued below the current threshold is not displayed whereas
#' a message at or above the current threshold is displayed.  The default level is \sQuote{warn}.
#' @seealso The logging pattern format is described in at the repo in the page
#' \url{https://github.com/gabime/spdlog/wiki/3.-Custom-formatting}.
#' @param name A character variable with the logging instance name, default value is \sQuote{default}.
#' @param level A character variable with the default logging level, default value is \sQuote{warn}.
#' @param s A character variable with the logging pattern, level or message.
#' @param filename A character variable with the logging filename if a file-based logger is
#' instantiated.
#' @return Nothing is returned from these functions as they are invoked for their side-effects.
#' @examples
#' log_setup("demo")  # at default level 'warn'
#' log_info("this message is NOT seen")
#' log_set_level("debug")
#' log_info("this message is seen")
#' log_warn("as is this message")
log_setup <- function(name = "default", level = "warn") {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_setup`, name, level))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_init <- function(level = "warn") {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_init`, level))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_filesetup <- function(filename, name = "default", level = "warn") {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_filesetup`, filename, name, level))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_drop <- function(name) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_drop`, name))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_set_pattern <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_set_pattern`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_set_level <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_set_level`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_trace <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_trace`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_debug <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_debug`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_info <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_info`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_warn <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_warn`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_error <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_error`, s))

#' @rdname log_setup
log_critical <- function(s) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RcppSpdlog_log_critical`, s))

#' R Accessor Functions for spdlog Stopwatch
#' A set of functions provides access to the \code{spdlog} stopwatch facilty. As \code{stopwatch}
#' object is a simple container around a C++ \code{std::chrono} object which (essentially) reports
#' elapsed-time since creation. The object is exported to R via an external pointer permitting use
#' from both R and C++.
#' Several functions are provided:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{\code{get_stopwatch}}{Returns a stopwatch object (as an S3 object).}
#'    \item{\code{elapsed_stopwatch}}{Returns elapsed time for stopwatch in seconds.}
#'    \item{\code{format_stopwatch}}{Returns elapsed time for stopwatch as character variable.}
#' }
#' The \code{stopwatch} object has \code{print} and \code{format} methods.
#' @param sw An S3 object of type \code{stopwatch}.
#' @param x An S3 object of type \code{stopwatch}.
#' @param ... Dotted argument required by generic, unused here.
#' @return The desired object is returned: respectively, a stopwatch object as an external pointer
#' in an S3 class, the elapsed time in seconds as a double, or formatted as a character variable.
#' @examples
#' w <- get_stopwatch()
#' Sys.sleep(0.2)
#' elapsed_stopwatch(w)
#' format_stopwatch(w)
#' @rdname get_stopwatch
get_stopwatch <- function() {

#' @rdname get_stopwatch
elapsed_stopwatch <- function(sw) {
    .Call(`_RcppSpdlog_elapsed_stopwatch`, sw)

#' @rdname get_stopwatch
format_stopwatch <- function(sw) {
    .Call(`_RcppSpdlog_format_stopwatch`, sw)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
methods::setLoadAction(function(ns) {

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RcppSpdlog documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:16 a.m.