Man pages for RcppXsimd
Xsimd C++ Header-Only Library Files

getAVX512FlagsConcatenate supported AVX512 compiler flags for system CPU
getAVXFlagsConcatenate supported AVX compiler flags for system CPU
getNEONFlagsConcatenate supported NEON compiler flags for system CPU
getSimdFeaturesPoll OS and CPU for SIMD feature support
getSSEFlagsConcatenate supported SSE compiler flags for system CPU
RcppXsimdRcppXsimd: Rcpp wrapper to Xsimd
supportsAVXDetermine if CPU supports AVX SIMD instructions
supportsAVX512Determine if CPU supports AVX512 SIMD instructions
supportsNEONDetermine if CPU supports NEON SIMD instructions
supportsSSEDetermine if CPU supports SSE SIMD instructions
RcppXsimd documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 1:06 a.m.