Man pages for ReacTran
Reactive Transport Modelling in 1d, 2d and 3d

advectionOne-Dimensional Advection Equation
fiadeiroAdvective Finite Difference Weights
geometriesSurface Area and Volume of Geometrical Objects
propertiesCommon Properties with Distance, to be used with...
ReacTranReactive transport modelling in 1D, 2D and 3D
setup.compaction.1DCalculates Advective Velocities of the Pore Water and Solid...
setup.grid.1DCreates a One-Dimensional Finite Difference Grid
setup.grid.2DCreates a Finite Difference Grid over a Two-Dimensional...
setup.prop.1DAttaches a Property to a One-Dimensional Grid
setup.prop.2DAttaches a Property to a Two-Dimensional Grid
tran.1DGeneral One-Dimensional Advective-Diffusive Transport
tran.2DGeneral Two-Dimensional Advective-Diffusive Transport
tran.3DGeneral Three-Dimensional Advective-Diffusive Transport
tran.cyl_spherDiffusive Transport in cylindrical (r, theta, z) and...
tran.polarDiffusive Transport in polar (r, theta) coordinates.
tran.volume.1D1-D, 2-D and 3-D Volumetric Advective-Diffusive Transport in...
ReacTran documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:38 a.m.