

This are the worker images that will be used in DockerParallel to provide the worker to the cluster. There are two images, namely r-base-worker and bioc-worker. The former one is based on the r-base image and the latter is based on the bioconductor image. The worker image accepts the following environment variables on startup:

  1. workerNum: The number of R workers in the container
  2. sshPubKey: The ssh public key
  3. queueName: the queue name used by the worker to retrive jobs from the server
  4. serverIp: The IP of the redis server(default: localhost)
  5. serverPort: The port used by the redis server to accept the incoming connection(default: 6379)
  6. serverPassword: The password of the redis server
  7. serverTimeout: The max wait time in seconds until the Redis connection fails(default: 60s)
  8. sysPackages: The additional system packages(URL encoded) that will be installed before running the workers, each package is separated by a commas
  9. RPackages: The additional R packages(URL encoded) that will be installed before running the workers, each package is separated by a commas
  10. backend: The parallel backend used in the container(default: doRedis)

All images supports the R function runPerContainer which can be used to run the R code in a container once when all workers execute the function once.

Build the image

To build the r-base worker image, run

docker build -t r-base-worker . -f Dockerfile_rbase_LATEST

To build bioconductor worker, run

docker build -t bioc-worker . -f Dockerfile_bioc_RELEASE_3_12

Run the container

To run the doRedis backed r-base worker container

docker run -it --env queueName=jobs --env serverPassword=123456 --env workerNum=2 --env backend=doRedis r-base-worker

To run the RedisParam backed r-base worker container

docker run -it --env queueName=jobs --env serverPassword=123456 --env workerNum=2 --env backend=RedisParam r-base-worker

To add an R package to the container

docker run -it --env queueName=jobs --env serverPassword=123456 --env workerNum=2 --env RPackages=BiocParallel --env backend=doRedis r-base-worker 


If you want to test the server and the worker on the same machine, you have to set the network mode to "host" to allow the communication between the server and worker. For example

docker run -it --env queueName=jobs --env serverIp=localhost --env serverPort=6666 --env serverPassword=123456 --env workerNum=2 --env backend=doRedis --network="host" r-base-worker

Try the RedisBaseContainer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RedisBaseContainer documentation built on June 8, 2021, 9:07 a.m.