Man pages for Require
Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows

availablePackagesOverrideCreate a custom "available.packages" object
availableVersionOKNeeds 'VersionOnRepos', 'versionSpec' and 'inequality'...
availableVersionsAvailable and archived versions
checkPathCheck directory path
chooseCRANmirror2Pass through function for 'chooseCRANmirror'
clearRequireClear Require Cache elements
DESCRIPTION-helpersGitHub package tools
detachAllDetach and unload all packages
dot-downloadFileMasterMainAuthGITHUB_PAT-aware and 'main'-'master'-aware download from...
extractPkgNameExtract info from package character strings
getCRANreposA helper function to get or set CRAN repos
getOptionRPackageCacheGet the option for 'Require.RPackageCache'
GitHubToolsParse a github package specification
invertListInvert a 2-level list
linkOrCopyCreate link to file, falling back to making a copy if linking...
messageVerboseUse message to print a clean square data structure
modifyList2'modifyList' for multiple lists
normPathNormalize filepath
paddedFloatToCharConvert numeric to character with padding
pkgDepDetermine package dependencies
pkgDepIfDepRemovedPackage dependencies when one or more packages removed
pkgSnapshotTake a snapshot of all the packages and version numbers
RequireRequire: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible...
RequireCacheDirPath to (package) cache directory
RequireOptions'Require' options
R_TESTSomitThis environment variable "R_TESTS" is set during testing,...
rversionsR versions
setdiffNamedLike 'setdiff', but takes into account names
setLibPathsSet '.libPaths'
setLinuxBinaryRepoSetup for binary Linux repositories
setupSetup a project library, cache, options
sourcePkgsA list of R packages that should likely be installed from...
tempdir2Make a temporary (sub-)directory
tempfile2Make a temporary subfile in a temporary (sub-)directory
trimVersionNumberTrim version number off a compound package name
Require documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:06 p.m.