ResourceSelection-package: Resource Selection (Probability) Functions for...

ResourceSelection-packageR Documentation

Resource Selection (Probability) Functions for Use-Availability Data


Resource Selection (Probability) Functions for use-availability wildlife data based on weighted distributions as described in Lele and Keim (2006), Lele (2009), and Solymos & Lele (2016).


rsf: Resource Selection Functions (RSF)

rspf: Resource Selection Probability Functions (RSPF)

hoslem.test: Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit (GOF) Test

Visual summaries: kdepairs for 2D scatterplots and mep for marginal effect plots based on fitted model objects.


Subhash R. Lele, Jonah L. Keim, Peter Solymos

Maintainer: Peter Solymos <>


Lele, S.R. (2009) A new method for estimation of resource selection probability function. Journal of Wildlife Management 73, 122–127. <doi:10.2193/2007-535>

Lele, S. R. & Keim, J. L. (2006) Weighted distributions and estimation of resource selection probability function. Ecology 87, 3021–3028. <doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2006)87

Solymos, P. & Lele, S. R. (2016) Revisiting resource selection probability functions and single-visit methods: clarification and extensions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7, 196–205. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12432>

See Also

rsf, rspf, kdepairs, mep, hoslem.test

ResourceSelection documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:58 p.m.