Man pages for Revticulate
Interaction with "RevBayes" in R

callRevBasic Call to RevBayes
callRevFromTerminalExecute a .rev file in RevBayes Through an RStudio Terminal
clearRevClear Code from Revticulate History
coerceRevConvert RevBayes Output into R Objects
doRevCall RevBayes with Continuous Session History
getRevHistoryGet Revticulate History
getRevVarsView RevBayes Variables
knitRevKnitr Engine for RevBayes
loadRevHistoryLoad Revticulate History from a .Rev File
repRevInteractive Session with RevBayes
saveRevSave Revticulate History
stringpasteOperator for concatenation.
Revticulate documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:47 p.m.