clearRev: Clear Code from Revticulate History

View source: R/ClearRev.R

clearRevR Documentation

Clear Code from Revticulate History


Removes code from .Revhistory file used for managing Revticulate history. Clears all code by default, or last 'n' lines of code specifed by the user.


clearRev(n = NULL, silent = FALSE)



integer - How many lines to remove. If n = NULL, all lines are removed.


logical - If TRUE, output messages will be silenced. Default is FALSE.


pseudoError: NULL. Message warning user that they attempted to erase more items from the Rev history than exist. message() is used instead of stop() so that clearRev() functions in repRev().

undoRev(n): NULL. Removes n number of lines from .Revhistory and cats the remaining history to the screen.


## Not run: 
clearRev() #Clear all Revticulate history
clearRev(n = 3) #Remove the last 3 lines of Revticulate history

## End(Not run)

Revticulate documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:47 p.m.