
test_that("Tests that getOOBpreds and predict(aggregation = oob) both work", {

  rf <- forestry(x = iris[,-1],
                 y = iris[,1],
                 OOBhonest = TRUE)

  doubleOOBpreds <- getOOBpreds(rf, doubleOOB = TRUE,
                                noWarning = TRUE)

  OOBpreds <- getOOBpreds(rf, noWarning = TRUE)

  predict_doubleOOBpreds <- predict(rf, aggregation = "doubleOOB")

  predict_OOBpreds <- predict(rf, aggregation = "oob")

  # Expect OOB preds from getOOB preds and predict to be the same
                         OOBpreds), TRUE)

  # Expect double OOB preds to be the same from predict and getOOBpreds
                         doubleOOBpreds), TRUE)

    predict_OOBpreds <- predict(rf, aggregation = "average"),
    "When using an aggregation that is not oob or doubleOOB, one must supply newdata"


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Rforestry documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:33 p.m.