Man pages for Rgof
1d Goodness of Fit Tests

bincountercount events in bins. Useful for power calculations. Replaces...
check.functionsThis function checks whether the inputs have the correct...
chi_power_contThis function finds the power of various chi-square tests for...
chi_power_discThis function finds the power of various chi-square tests for...
chi_test_contThis function performs a number of chi-square gof tests for...
chi_test_discThis function performs a number of chi-square gof tests for...
Cppordersort vector y by values in vector x
gof_contrun gof tests for continuous data
gof_discrun gof tests for discrete data
gof_powerFind the power of various gof tests for continuous data.
gof_power_contFind the power of various gof tests for continuous data.
gof_power_discFind the power of various gof tests for discrete data.
gof_testThis function performs a number of gof tests
gof_test_adjusted_pvalueThis function performs a number of gof tests and finds the...
gof_test_contThis function performs a number of gof tests for continuous...
gof_test_cont_adjThis function performs a number of gof tests for continuous...
gof_test_discThis function performs a number of gof tests for discrete...
gof_test_disc_adjThis function performs a number of gof tests for discrete...
make_bins_contThis function creates several type of bins for continuous...
make_bins_discThis function creates several types of bins for discrete data
plot_powerThis function draws the power graph, with curves sorted by...
power_contfind power of gof tests for continuous data
power_discfind power of gof tests for discrete data
signif.digitsThis function does some rounding to nice numbers
TS_contFind test statistics for continuous data
TS_discFind test statistics for discrete data
TSw_contFind test statistics for continuous data with weights
TSw_discFind test statistics for discrete data
wbincounterFind counts or sum of weights in bins. Useful for power...
Rgof documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:06 a.m.