Man pages for RoBTT
Robust Bayesian T-Test

check_RoBTTCheck fitted 'RoBTT' object for errors and warnings
check_setupPrints summary of '"RoBTT"' ensemble implied by the specified...
diagnosticsChecks a fitted RoBTT object
fertilizationHeight of 15 plant pairs collected by Darwin
interpretInterprets results of a 'RoBTT' model.
is.RoBTTReports whether x is a 'RoBTT' object
plot.RoBTTPlots a fitted 'RoBTT' object
print.RoBTTPrints a fitted 'RoBTT' object
print.summary.RoBTTPrints summary object for 'RoBTT' method
priorCreates a prior distribution
prior_noneCreates a prior distribution
rho2logsdrrho to log standard deviation ratio transformations
RoBTTEstimate a Robust Bayesian T-Test
RoBTT_controlConvergence checks of the fitting process
RoBTT_optionsOptions for the 'RoBTT' package
RoBTT-packageRoBTT: Robust Bayesian t-test
summary.RoBTTSummarize fitted 'RoBTT' object
update.RoBTTUpdates a fitted RoBTT object
RoBTT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:03 p.m.