Man pages for RockFab
Rock Fabric and Strain Analysis Tools

ElliInRead output files generated from the program Ellipsoid 2003.
ElliOutWrite results of sectional analyses to Ellipsoid 2003...
EllipAxesCalculate ellipsoid axial lengths based on octahedral shear...
ElliViewInteractive 3D fabric and strain ellipsoid visualization...
FlinnPlotFunction to plot a linear Flinn diagram from octahedral shear...
FRY-classClass '"FRY"'
FryDataDetermine Fry points and scale to central void region.
FryNormDataDetermine normalized Fry points and scale to central void...
FryObjectiveObjective ellipse fitting to central void.
FrySelectInteractive central void selection tool for the Fry and...
NadaiPlotNadai plotting tool for fabric and strain data.
ParExParameter extraction tool to obtain location, eccentricity,...
RfPhiDetermine Rs and corresponding parameters following the RfPhi...
RFPHI-classClass '"RFPHI"'
RfPhiParReadRead manual data collected from the RfPhi method.
RockFab-packageRock fabric and strain analysis tools.
StereoCircPrimitive circle plotter for stereonet.
StereoPlaneAdd plane data to stereonet.
StereoPlotSetup plot extent for stereonet.
StereoPointAdd line data to stereonet.
StereoWebEqual area stereonet grid plotter.
RockFab documentation built on June 23, 2022, 9:11 a.m.