Man pages for RootsExtremaInflections
Finds Roots, Extrema and Inflection Points of a Curve

classify_curveClassifies a planar curve according to its convexity,...
extremexiFunction to Find the Extreme Point of a Planar Curve
findextremeImplementation of Integration Extreme Finding Estimator...
findmaxbellImplementation of Bell Extreme Finding Estimator (BEFE)...
findmaxtulipImplementation of Tulip Extreme Finding Estimator (TEFE)...
findrootFind the root for a planar curve byn using Integration Root...
inflexiFunction to Find the Inflection Point of a Planar Curve
rootexinfFunction to Find the Root, Extreme and Inflection of a Planar...
RootsExtremaInflections-packageFinds Roots, Extrema and Inflection Points of a Planar Curve
rootxiFunction to Find the Root of a Planar Curve
scan_curveFinds roots, extrema and inflections for a planar not noisy...
scan_noisy_curveFinds roots, extrema and inflections for a planar noisy curve
symextremeA wrapper for using either Tulip Extreme Finding Estimator...
RootsExtremaInflections documentation built on July 29, 2019, 5:03 p.m.