Man pages for Routliers
Robust Outliers Detection

AttacksData collected the day after the terrorist attacks in...
IntentionStudy five of Rogers, T. & Milkman, K. L. (2016). Reminders...
MoralityReplication of Experiments Evaluating Impact of Psychological...
outliers_madMAD function to detect outliers
outliers_mahalanobismahalanobis function to detect outliers
outliers_mcdMCD function to detect outliers
plot_outliers_madPlotting function for the mad
plot_outliers_mahalanobisPlotting function for the Mahalanobis distance approach
plot_outliers_mcdPlotting function for the MCD
Routliers-packageRoutliers: Robust Outliers Detection
Routliers documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:03 a.m.