Man pages for Rphylip
An R interface for PHYLIP

as.proseqConverts objects to protein sequences,, or...
opt.RdnamlParameter optimizer for Rdnaml
primatesExample datasets
print.proseqPrint method protein sequences,, or
RcliqueR interface for clique
RconsenseR interface for consense
RcontmlR interface for contml
RcontrastR interface for contrast
RdnacompR interface for dnacomp
RdnadistR interfaces for dnadist
RdnainvarR interface for dnainvar
RdnamlR interfaces for dnaml and dnamlk
RdnaparsR interface for dnapars
RdnapennyR interface for dnapenny
RdollopR interface for dollop
RdolpennyR interface for dolpenny
read.proteinReads protein sequences from file in multiple formats
RfitchR interface for fitch
RgendistR interface for gendist
RkitschR interface for kitsch
RmixR interface for mix
RneighborR interface for neighbor
RparsR interface for pars
RpennyR interface for penny
Rphylip-packageRphylip: An R interface for PHYLIP
RpromlR interfaces for proml and promlk
RprotdistR interfaces for protdist
RprotparsR interface for protpars
RrestdistR interface for restdist
RrestmlR interface for restml
RseqbootR interface for seqboot
RthreshmlR interface for threshml
RtreedistR interface for treedist
setPathSet path to the folder containing PHYLIP executables for the...
setupOSXHelp set up PHYLIP in Mac OS X
Rphylip documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:11 a.m.