raven_batch_detec: Run 'Raven' batch detector

View source: R/raven_batch_detec.R

raven_batch_detecR Documentation

Run 'Raven' batch detector


raven_batch_detec Runs 'Raven' batch detector on multiple sound files sequentially


raven_batch_detec(raven.path = NULL, sound.files, path = NULL, 
detector.type, detector.preset = "Default",
view.preset = "Default", relabel_colms = TRUE, pb = TRUE, parallel = 1)



A character string indicating the path of the directory in which to look for the 'Raven' executable file (where 'Raven' was installed).


character vector indicating the files that will be analyzed. In OSX (mac) only one file at the time can be run (use loops instead!). If NULL (default) then 'Raven' will be run without opening any file.


A character string indicating the path of the directory in which to look for the sound files. If not provided (default) the function searches into the current working directory. Default is NULL.


Character string specifying the type of detector to be called. There are 3 options available in 'Raven': 'Amplitude Detector', 'Band Limited Energy Detector' and 'Band Limited Entropy Detector'. Must be provided.


Character string specifying the name of the customized detector to be called. If NULL (default) then the 'Default' detector for the specific detector type is used (see 'detector.type' argument). Custom detectors must be found in one of the default 'Raven' detector directories (usually within "'raven.path'/Presets/Detector").


Character string specifying the name of the window preset to be used. Not require for 'Amplitude Detector' (see 'detector.type' argument). If NULL (default) then the 'Default' window preset is used.


Logical. If TRUE (default) columns are labeled to match the selection table format from the acoustic analysis package warbleR


Logical argument to control progress bar. Default is TRUE.


Numeric. Controls whether parallel computing is applied. It specifies the number of cores to be used. Default is 1 (i.e. no parallel computing).


The function runs 'Raven' sound analysis software (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), detector on multiple sound files sequentially. 'Raven' Pro must be installed. Note that batch detection in 'Raven' can also take sound files in 'mp3', 'flac' and 'aif' format.


A data frame with the selections produced during the detection. See imp_raven for more details on how selections are imported.


Marcelo Araya-Salas (marcelo.araya@ucr.ac.cr)

See Also

imp_raven; imp_syrinx; run_raven


## Not run: 

# here replace with path where 'Raven' is installed in your computer

# Run detector on raven example sound files

# single sound file using 'Amplitude Detector' 
detec.res <- raven_batch_detec(raven.path = raven.path, 
sound.files = "BlackCappedVireo.aif", path = file.path(raven.path, "Examples"), 
detector.type = "Amplitude Detector")

# on raven examples  2 files
detec.res <- raven_batch_detec(raven.path = raven.path, 
sound.files = c("BlackCappedVireo.aif", "CanyonWren.wav"), 
path = file.path(raven.path, "Examples"), detector.type = "Amplitude Detector")

# using 'Band Limited Energy Detector' 
detec.res <- raven_batch_detec(raven.path = raven.path, 
sound.files = c("BlackCappedVireo.aif", "CanyonWren.wav"), 
path = file.path(raven.path, "Examples"), detector = "Band Limited Energy Detector")

## End(Not run)

Rraven documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:53 p.m.