Man pages for RsimMosaic
R Simple Image Mosaic Creation Library

addBackTileAdd a tile back to the tile library
bilinearInterpolatorA function to perform bilinar interpolation
composeMosaicFromImageRandomRandomly transform an image into a mosaic
composeMosaicFromImageRandomOptimRandomly transform an image into a mosaic optimizing the...
composeMosaicFromImageRegularRegularly transform an image into a mosaic
computeStatisticalQuantitiesPixelA function to compute the pixel data in a certain parameter...
computeStatisticalQuantitiesTileA function to compute the tile data in a certain parameter...
createLibraryIndexDataFrameA function to create the tile library data frame
createTilesTile creation from a folder of images
getCloseMatchGet a tile which is a close match for a pixel in the...
removeTileRemove a tile from the tile library
RsimMosaic-packageR Simple IMage Mosaic creation library
RsimMosaic documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:29 a.m.