Man pages for Rwtss
Client for Web Time-Series Service

describe_coverageRetrieves the list of cubes from the URL server
dot-wtss_coverage_descriptionDecodes the description from a WTSS coverage
dot-wtss_get_responseGet a response to the WTSS server
dot-wtss_ggplot_seriesPlot one timeSeries using ggplot
dot-wtss_guess_satelliteTry a best guess for the type of sensor/satellite
dot-wtss_list_coveragesRetrieves the list of cubes from the URL server
dot-wtss_parse_jsonParse a JSON response from the WTSS server
dot-wtss_process_requestProcess a request to the WTSS server
dot-wtss_remove_trailing_dashRemove trailing dashes from a WTSS server address
dot-wtss_send_requestSend a request to WTSS server
dot-wtss_tibbleCreate a sits tibble to store the time series information
dot-wtss_time_series_processingProcessing a Time Series Result from WTSS
dot-wtss_to_tibbleImport time series in the zoo format to a tibble
list_coveragesList the coverages available in the WTSS service
ndvi_tsExample time series from MOD13Q1 product.
plotGeneric interface for ploting time series
time_seriesGet time series
wtss_to_tsExport data to be used to the ts format
wtss_to_zooExport data to be used to the zoo format
Rwtss documentation built on April 25, 2022, 9:07 a.m.