Man pages for SALES
The (Adaptive) Elastic Net and Lasso Penalized Sparse Asymmetric Least Squares (SALES) and Coupled Sparse Asymmetric Least Squares (COSALES) using Coordinate Descent and Proximal Gradient Algorithms

coefExtract Model Coefficients
coef.cpernetGet coefficients from a cpernet object coefficients from a cv.cpernet object coefficients from a cv.ernet object
coef.ernetGet coefficients from an ernet object
cpernetRegularization paths for the coupled sparse asymmetric least...
cv.cpernetCross-validation for cpernet
cv.ernetCross-validation for ernet
ernetRegularization paths for the sparse asymmetric least squares...
plot.cpernetPlot coefficients from a cpernet object the cross-validated curve produced by cv.cpernet the cross-validated curve produced by cv.ernet
plot.ernetPlot coefficients from an ernet object
predictModel predictions
predict.cpernetMake predictions from a cpernet object predictions from a cv.cpernet object predictions from a cv.ernet object
predict.ernetMake predictions from an ernet object
print.cpernetPrint a cpernet object
print.ernetPrint an ernet object
SALES documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 1:05 a.m.