Man pages for SCpubr
Generate Publication Ready Visualizations of Single Cell Transcriptomics Data

do_AlluvialPlotGenerate Alluvial plots.
do_BarPlotCreate Bar Plots.
do_BeeSwarmPlotBeeSwarm plot.
do_BoxPlotGenerate Box Plots.
do_CellularStatesPlotCellular States plot.
doc_functionMock function used to document all main function.
do_ChordDiagramPlotGenerate a Chord diagram.
do_ColorPaletteGenerate color scales based on a value.
do_CopyNumberVariantPlotDisplay CNV scores from inferCNV as Feature Plots.
do_CorrelationPlotCreate correlation matrix heatmaps.
do_DimPlotWrapper for DimPlot.
do_DotPlotThis function is a wrapper for DotPlot. It provides most of...
do_EnrichmentHeatmapCreate enrichment scores heatmaps.
do_ExpressionHeatmapCreate heatmaps of averaged expression by groups.
do_FeaturePlotWrapper for FeaturePlot.
do_FunctionalAnnotationPlotCompute functional annotation plots using GO or KEGG...
do_GeyserPlotGenerate a Geyser plot.
do_GroupedGOTermPlotCompute an overview of the GO terms associated with the input...
do_GroupwiseDEPlotCompute a heatmap with the results of a group-wise DE...
do_NebulosaPlotWrapper for Nebulosa::plot_density in Seurat.
do_PathwayActivityPlotPlot Pathway Activities from decoupleR using Progeny prior...
do_RidgePlotCreate ridge plots.
do_TermEnrichmentPlotDisplay the enriched terms for a given list of genes.
do_TFActivityPlotPlot TF Activities from decoupleR using Dorothea prior...
do_ViolinPlotWrapper for VlnPlot.
do_VolcanoPlotCompute a Volcano plot out of DE genes.
human_chr_locationsChromosome arm locations for human genome GRCh38.
named_listNamed list.
named_vectorNamed vector.
package_reportGenerate a status report of SCpubr and its dependencies.
SCpubr documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 5:15 p.m.