Man pages for SDMPlay
Species Distribution Modelling Playground

brisaster.antarcticusPresence-only records of the echinoid _Brisaster antarcticus_...
clock2Spatial cross-validation procedure, CLOCK-2 method
clock3Spatial cross-validation procedure, CLOCK-3 method
clock4Spatial cross-validation procedure, CLOCK-4 method
clock6Spatial cross-validation procedure, CLOCK-6 method
compute.brtCompute BRT (Boosted Regression Trees) model
compute.maxentCompute MaxEnt model
ctenocidaris.nutrixPresence-only records of the echinoid _Ctenocidaris nutrix_...
delim.areaRasterStack preparation for modelling
depth_SOEnvironmental descriptor example (depth, Southern Ocean)
Glabraster.antarcticaPresence-only records of the sea star _Glabraster antarctica_...
ice_cover_mean_SOEnvironmental descriptor example (ice cover, Southern Ocean)
null.modelCompute null model
Odontaster.validusPresence-only records of the sea star _Odontaster validus_...
predictors1965_1974Environmental descriptors for 1965-1974 (Kerguelen Plateau)
predictors2005_2012Environmental descriptors for 2005-2012 (Kerguelen Plateau)
predictors2200AIBEnvironmental descriptors for future A1B scenario for 2200...
SDMdata.qualityEvaluate dataset quality
SDMevalEvaluate species distribution models
SDMtabCompile species distribution dataset for modelling
seafloor_temp_2005_2012_mean_SOEnvironmental descriptor example (seafloor temperatures,...
SDMPlay documentation built on Sept. 15, 2021, 9:07 a.m.