
#' Data from a SRS of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture
#' @name agsrs
#' @docType data
#' @format Data frame with the following 14 variables: 
#' \describe{
#'   \item{county}{county name}
#'   \item{state}{state abbreviation}
#'   \item{acres92}{number of acres devoted to farms, 1992}
#'   \item{acres87}{number of acres devoted to farms, 1987}
#'   \item{acres82}{number of acres devoted to farms, 1982}
#'   \item{farms92}{number of farms, 1992}
#'   \item{farms87}{number of farms, 1987}
#'   \item{farms82}{number of farms, 1982}
#'   \item{largef92}{number of farms with 1000 acres or more, 1992}
#'   \item{largef87}{number of farms with 1000 acres or more, 1987}
#'   \item{largef82}{number of farms with 1000 acres or more, 1982}
#'   \item{smallf92}{number of farms with 9 acres or fewer, 1992}
#'   \item{smallf87}{number of farms with 9 acres or fewer, 1987}
#'   \item{smallf82}{number of farms with 9 acres or fewer, 1982}
#' }
#' @source U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture
#' @references Lohr (1999). Sampling: Design and Analysis, Duxbury, p. TODO and
#'   437.

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