Methods_LASSO: LASSO methods

Regression coefficients and fitted values in LASSO-type problemsR Documentation

LASSO methods


Retrieving regression coefficients and predicted values from the 'solveEN' and 'LARS' functions' outputs


## S3 method for class 'LASSO'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'LASSO'
fitted(object, ...)



An object of the class 'LASSO' returned either by the function 'LARS' or 'solveEN'


Other arguments:

  • X (numeric matrix) scores for as many predictors there are in ncol(object$beta) (in columns) for a desired number n of observations (in rows)

  • iy (integer vector) Optional index of columns of the matrix 'Gamma' to be returned in coef function

  • ilambda (integer) Optional to return regression coefficients associated to a specific penalty position

  • nsup (numeric) Optional to return regression coefficients associated to a given penalty that yield approximately 'nsup' non-zero coefficients


Method coef returns a matrix that contains the regression coefficients (in rows) associated to each value of lambda (in columns). When the regression was applied to an object Gamma with more than one column, method coef returns a list

Method fitted returns a matrix with fitted values Xβ (in rows) for each value of lambda (in columns).


  y = as.vector(Y[,"E1"])  # Response variable
  X = scale(X_E1)          # Predictors
  # Training and testing sets
  tst = which(Y$trial %in% 1:10)
  trn = seq_along(y)[-tst]

  # Calculate covariances in training set
  XtX = var(X[trn,])
  Xty = cov(X[trn,],y[trn])
  # Run the penalized regression
  fm = solveEN(XtX,Xty,alpha=0.5)   
  # Regression coefficients
  dim(coef(fm, ilambda=50)) # Coefficients associated to the 50th lambda
  dim(coef(fm, nsup=25))    # Coefficients where around nsup=25 are non-zero
  # Predicted values
  yHat1 = fitted(fm, X=X[trn,])  # training data
  yHat2 = fitted(fm, X=X[tst,])  # testing data
  # Penalization vs correlation

SFSI documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 9:06 a.m.